""" Hive Integration - sensor """ import logging, json import voluptuous as vol from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from homeassistant.const import TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_PASSWORD, ATTR_TEMPERATURE import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.discovery import load_platform import custom_components.hive as hive from homeassistant.loader import get_component DEPENDENCIES = ['hive'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, DeviceList, discovery_info=None): """Setup Hive sensor devices""" HiveComponent = get_component('hive') if len(DeviceList) > 0: if "Hive_Device_Heating_CurrentTemperature" in DeviceList: add_devices([Hive_Device_Heating_CurrentTemperature(HiveComponent.HiveObjects_Global)]) if "Hive_Device_Heating_TargetTemperature" in DeviceList: add_devices([Hive_Device_Heating_TargetTemperature(HiveComponent.HiveObjects_Global)]) if "Hive_Device_Heating_State" in DeviceList: add_devices([Hive_Device_Heating_State(HiveComponent.HiveObjects_Global)]) if "Hive_Device_Heating_Mode" in DeviceList: add_devices([Hive_Device_Heating_Mode(HiveComponent.HiveObjects_Global)]) if "Hive_Device_Heating_Boost" in DeviceList: add_devices([Hive_Device_Heating_Boost(HiveComponent.HiveObjects_Global)]) if "Hive_Device_HotWater_State" in DeviceList: add_devices([Hive_Device_HotWater_State(HiveComponent.HiveObjects_Global)]) if "Hive_Device_HotWater_Mode" in DeviceList: add_devices([Hive_Device_HotWater_Mode(HiveComponent.HiveObjects_Global)]) if "Hive_Device_HotWater_Boost" in DeviceList: add_devices([Hive_Device_HotWater_Boost(HiveComponent.HiveObjects_Global)]) if "Hive_Device_Thermostat_BatteryLevel" in DeviceList: add_devices([Hive_Device_Thermostat_BatteryLevel(HiveComponent.HiveObjects_Global)]) class Hive_Device_Heating_CurrentTemperature(Entity): """Hive Heating current temperature Sensor""" def __init__(self, HiveComponent_HiveObjects): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.HiveObjects = HiveComponent_HiveObjects @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return 'Hive Current Temperature' @property def force_update(self): """Return True if state updates should be forced.""" return False @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_Heating_CurrentTemp() @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_Heating_CurrentTemp_State_Attributes() @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement.""" return TEMP_CELSIUS def update(self): """Fetch new state data for the sensor. This is the only method that should fetch new data for Home Assistant. """ self.HiveObjects.UpdateData() class Hive_Device_Heating_TargetTemperature(Entity): """Hive Heating target temperature Sensor""" def __init__(self, HiveComponent_HiveObjects): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.HiveObjects = HiveComponent_HiveObjects @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return 'Hive Target Temperature' @property def force_update(self): """Return True if state updates should be forced.""" return True @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_Heating_TargetTemp() @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_Heating_TargetTemperature_State_Attributes() @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement to display.""" return TEMP_CELSIUS # @property # def temperature_unit(self): # """The unit of measurement used by the platform.""" # return TEMP_FAHRENHEIT def update(self): """Fetch new state data for the sensor. This is the only method that should fetch new data for Home Assistant. """ self.HiveObjects.UpdateData() class Hive_Device_Heating_State(Entity): """Hive Heating current state (On / Off)""" def __init__(self, HiveComponent_HiveObjects): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.HiveObjects = HiveComponent_HiveObjects @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return 'Hive Heating State' @property def force_update(self): """Return True if state updates should be forced.""" return False @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_Heating_State() @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_Heating_State_State_Attributes() @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use.""" DeviceIcon = 'mdi:radiator' return DeviceIcon def update(self): """Fetch new state data for the sensor. This is the only method that should fetch new data for Home Assistant. """ self.HiveObjects.UpdateData() class Hive_Device_Heating_Mode(Entity): """Hive Heating current Mode (SCHEDULE / MANUAL / OFF)""" def __init__(self, HiveComponent_HiveObjects): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.HiveObjects = HiveComponent_HiveObjects @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return 'Hive Heating Mode' @property def force_update(self): """Return True if state updates should be forced.""" return False @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_Heating_Mode() @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_Heating_Mode_State_Attributes() @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use.""" DeviceIcon = 'mdi:radiator' return DeviceIcon def update(self): """Fetch new state data for the sensor. This is the only method that should fetch new data for Home Assistant. """ self.HiveObjects.UpdateData() class Hive_Device_Heating_Boost(Entity): """Hive Heating current Boost (ON / OFF)""" def __init__(self, HiveComponent_HiveObjects): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.HiveObjects = HiveComponent_HiveObjects @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return 'Hive Heating Boost' @property def force_update(self): """Return True if state updates should be forced.""" return False @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_Heating_Boost() @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_Heating_Boost_State_Attributes() @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use.""" DeviceIcon = 'mdi:radiator' return DeviceIcon def update(self): """Fetch new state data for the sensor. This is the only method that should fetch new data for Home Assistant. """ self.HiveObjects.UpdateData() class Hive_Device_HotWater_State(Entity): """Hive Hot water current state (On / Off)""" def __init__(self, HiveComponent_HiveObjects): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.HiveObjects = HiveComponent_HiveObjects @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return 'Hive Hot Water State' @property def force_update(self): """Return True if state updates should be forced.""" return False @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_HotWater_State() @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_HotWater_State_State_Attributes() @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use.""" DeviceIcon = 'mdi:water-pump' return DeviceIcon def update(self): """Fetch new state data for the sensor. This is the only method that should fetch new data for Home Assistant. """ self.HiveObjects.UpdateData() class Hive_Device_HotWater_Mode(Entity): """Hive HotWater current Mode (SCHEDULE / ON / OFF)""" def __init__(self, HiveComponent_HiveObjects): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.HiveObjects = HiveComponent_HiveObjects @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return 'Hive Hot Water Mode' @property def force_update(self): """Return True if state updates should be forced.""" return False @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_HotWater_Mode() @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_HotWater_Mode_State_Attributes() @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use.""" DeviceIcon = 'mdi:water-pump' return DeviceIcon def update(self): """Fetch new state data for the sensor. This is the only method that should fetch new data for Home Assistant. """ self.HiveObjects.UpdateData() class Hive_Device_HotWater_Boost(Entity): """Hive HotWater current Boost (ON / OFF)""" def __init__(self, HiveComponent_HiveObjects): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.HiveObjects = HiveComponent_HiveObjects @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return 'Hive Hot Water Boost' @property def force_update(self): """Return True if state updates should be forced.""" return False @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_HotWater_Boost() @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return self.HiveObjects.Get_HotWater_Boost_State_Attributes() @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use.""" DeviceIcon = 'mdi:water-pump' return DeviceIcon def update(self): """Fetch new state data for the sensor. This is the only method that should fetch new data for Home Assistant. """ self.HiveObjects.UpdateData() class Hive_Device_Thermostat_BatteryLevel(Entity): """Hive Thermostat device current battery level sensor""" def __init__(self, HiveComponent_HiveObjects): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.HiveObjects = HiveComponent_HiveObjects self.BatteryLevel = None @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return 'Hive Thermostat Battery Level' @property def force_update(self): """Return True if state updates should be forced.""" return True @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement which this thermostat uses.""" return "%" @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" self.BatteryLevel = self.HiveObjects.Get_Thermostat_BatteryLevel() return self.BatteryLevel @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use.""" DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery' if self.BatteryLevel >= 95 and self.BatteryLevel <= 100: DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery' elif self.BatteryLevel >= 85 and self.BatteryLevel < 95: DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery-90' elif self.BatteryLevel >= 75 and self.BatteryLevel < 85: DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery-80' elif self.BatteryLevel >= 65 and self.BatteryLevel < 75: DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery-70' elif self.BatteryLevel >= 55 and self.BatteryLevel < 65: DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery-60' elif self.BatteryLevel >= 45 and self.BatteryLevel < 55: DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery-50' elif self.BatteryLevel >= 35 and self.BatteryLevel < 45: DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery-40' elif self.BatteryLevel >= 25 and self.BatteryLevel < 35: DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery-30' elif self.BatteryLevel >= 15 and self.BatteryLevel < 25: DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery-20' elif self.BatteryLevel > 5 and self.BatteryLevel < 15: DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery-10' elif self.BatteryLevel <= 5: DeviceIcon = 'mdi:battery-outline' return DeviceIcon def update(self): """Fetch new state data for the sensor. This is the only method that should fetch new data for Home Assistant. """ self.HiveObjects.UpdateData()